Monday, March 5, 2012

Is It Spring? And other Hot Air Things

It has been one roller coaster of a week here in Louisville.  On Friday we have 70 degree weather with both a beautiful sunny day and a deadly tornadic super storm.  Today we have upper 30s and snow:

Gorgeous but frosty Cherokee Park entrance

While we all look forward to the warm spring winds and green sunny days here in Louisville, Artful Anthropology has created a new necklace that runs on hot air! The zeppelin has finally arrived!  The chocker is made of either leather or velvet with the zeppelin anchored in the center.  The necklace is light weight and does not restrict mobility, in fact it encourages it!

Up, Up and Away!

The Zeppelin is a unique piece that adds flair to your wardrobe, pair it with hot air balloon earrings and your outfit will be complete!

Leather choker shown

The zeppelin is available for purchase directly from Artful Anthropology and will soon be on the shelves at Hey Tiger, on Bardstown Road.

Coming next week: A steampunk twist on a sac bag.

Artful Anthropology